
Life needs a push...a current that will carry you toward growth...

            I cannot remember when I dived into the ocean and was flushed away by the tides; irresistable tides that changed me..
            I remember being a young and innocent kid...a normal kid to be accurate.
            I used to have friends; I used to get along with everyone so well; I used to be a person opposite from the one I am now.

            Perhaps I should be grateful to this change, or I will never be mature; I will never know the taste of loneliness and the pain that goes along with it...

            I have lived with this wound for years...quietness is the only cure.
            I have enclosed myself into a little world of myself, in which no one will enter and nobody will be allowed to enter

            For years have I wonder the purpose of me living on this world...Does god just want to let me live throw this symphony..alone? Does he want to prepare me for the bitter future...? Or does he just want to see a joke?

            I don't care about him. This is my life. I will compose my own melody and each note in my life will not be lonesome because I have my heart...I have my pals...I have courage to face the future.


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