
Tick, Tock

Time draws a border between past and present

                             and between life and death

Tick, Tock

The clock never stops for anyone,

and no one can ever stop the clock.


Since the second you arrive on Earth,

Your clock is couting down.

Tick, Tock; Tick, Tock...

Until enternal darkness falls upon you.


I have always wondered

What would I be like if I can go back to time?

Would I struggle to be who I wanna be?

Would I still be who I am?


I have also wondered

What if time stopped?

What would I wanna do?


What if time fast forwards itself?

Would my sorrow and pain be reduced?

Or would it simply builds up and eventually fall on me?


If time can bring death, then it will also possess revival power.

Time can change a person completely, but can also destroys his confident, persistent, and his soul.


Time is something that cannot be confined in a clock.

It rules the universe, the people, and their fate.


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